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  • 2019-08-AteCe-Dortland-Open-1.jpg
  • Spieren-voor-Spieren-golfdag-2021-026.jpg
  • 2022-04-PPP-bestuur-en-Ingrid.jpg
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  • Atece-at-Vakdag-1a.jpg
  • HID-3b.jpg
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  • PPP-Jaarcongres-2022-1518.jpg
  • 22.24-AWA-Couvert.jpg
  • 19.04-Amstel Graphics-Control-Media.jpg
  • Spieren-voor-Spieren-golfdag-2022-083.jpg
  • 2022-08-ABC-krant-Peter-Minis.jpg
  • 21.09-Xerox-Jetmail.jpg
  • De-Lithografen-Open-Huis-2022-0739.jpg
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  • 20.03-23.jpg
  • FC-Style-287.jpg
  • 2019-09-Komori-Open-House-4.jpg
  • 20.03-26.jpg
  • Los-van-Papier-1b.jpg
  • 22.45-Intermail-Bowe-Systec.jpg
  • 2022.04 21-Diploma-uitreiking-PPP-Allround-Pro-1.jpg
  • 2022-02-CDMF-masterclass.jpg
  • 21.13-Impress-Amstel-Graphics.jpg
  • 20.03-17.jpg
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  • 21.01-kampert-nauta-p2.jpg
  • Rotaform-150-jaar-2022.06.17- 0376.jpg
  • 22.45-AteCe-Solidus-Solutions.jpg
  • 22.35-Vouwkarton-Platform.jpg
  • De-Lithografen-Open-Huis-2022-0818.jpg
  • 20.03-08.jpg
  • AteCe-WTT-2022.04.08-0979.jpg
  • Open-Huis-Amstel-Graphics-2a.jpg
  • Print-Party-2022-0192.jpg
  • 20.03-32.jpg
  • Control-Media-1a.jpg
  • 20.03-13.jpg
  • Rotaform-150-jaar-2022.06.17-0547.jpg
  • 2020.09-ag.jpg
  • Scodix-Open-Huis-1a.jpg
  • 18.51-Micron Media-Control Media.jpg
  • HID-3a.jpg
  • 22.20-CDMF-MasterClass.jpg
  • 2020.09-PPP.jpg
  • 2019-08-SvS-Golfdag-7.jpg
  • 22.43-AteCe-WTT.jpg
  • Los-van-Papier-1b.jpg
  • 2021-03-Multi-Post-Hybride-Mail-Platform.jpg
  • 21.22-PPP-Young-Professionals.jpg
  • 20.03-20.jpg
  • AteCe-Wielertoertocht-3b.jpg
  • AteCe-WTT-2022.04.08-0594.jpg
  • Open-Huis-Amstel-Graphics-4a.jpg
  • Print-Party-2022-0086.jpg
  • 20.03-18.jpg
  • 22.25-Rotaform-150-jaar.jpg
  • HID-6a.jpg
  • AteCe-Dortland Open-2022-C-0208.jpg
  • AteCe-Wielertoertocht-4b.jpg
  • 22.35-Lithografen-Fotoboek.jpg
  • 2022-02-AteCe-WTT-120-km.jpg
  • 2022-08-PPP-Allround-Pro-diploma-uitreiking.jpg
  • Spieren-voor-Spieren-golfdag-2021-043.jpg
  • 2022-04-Komori.jpg
  • 20.03-11.jpg
  • Vakdag-Print-en-Sign-2019-3b.jpg
  • 20.03-06.jpg
  • FC-Style-Groepsfoto-2.jpg
  • 2019-09-Komori-Open-House-8.jpg
  • 2020.09-PPP-Bestuur.jpg
  • Spieren-voor-Spieren-golfdag-2022-138.jpg
  • PPP-Academy.jpg
  • Print-Party-2022-0246.jpg
  • AteCe-WTT-2021-0804.jpg
  • Palmpapier.jpg
  • Vakdag-Print-en-Sign-2021-010.jpg
  • Vakdag-Print-en-Sign-2019-2a.jpg
  • 2019-09-LinkedIn-Class-1.jpg
  • 22.41-AWA-Couvert.jpg
  • PPP-Leveranciersdagen-ALV-2021.09-0544.jpg
  • 20.03-16.jpg
  • Netwerkbijeenkomst-Vouwkarton-Platform-2022.08.30-0613.jpg
  • PPP-Uitreiking-certificaten-2021.09-0514.jpg
  • 2020-12-p2-boewe-intermail.jpg
  • HID-7a.jpg
  • Netwerkbijeenkomst-Vouwkarton-Platform-2022.08.30-0416.jpg
  • PPP-Jaarcongres-2022-1450.jpg
  • Open-Huis-Amstel-Graphics-3a.jpg
  • 2019-03-Frank-van-Deursen.jpg
  • Opmeer-Open-Huis-2022-0890.jpg
  • 21.17-Jetmail-Canon.jpg
  • 2020.09-atece.jpg
  • Control-Media-3a.jpg
  • AteCe-Dortland-Open-2021-133.jpg
  • PTI-seminar-2b.jpg


Canadian AdMill Group chooses Buhrs 6000 Paper Sleeve Wrapper packaging system
Buhrs 6000 Paper Sleeve Wrapper packaging system
Image made by Giuseppe Toppers | Danto

A Buhrs 6000 Paper Sleeve Wrapper for packaging advertising materials will soon be installed at The AdMill Group in Scarborough (Canada). In Canada, these products may no longer be wrapped in poly from January 1, 2026. In anticipation of this, The AdMill Group has already opted for a new Buhrs packaging system. The system is equipped with ergonomic feeders that feed the printed material like leaflets into the gathering section. The collated sets are transported to the Paper Sleeve Wrap module for packaging - folded or not. Product sets that are not properly collected are rejected prematurely before folding and packaging. Only good sets of advertising printed material are provided with a paper sleeve. This process is also monitored. The well-packed product sets are provided with an address in a printing station. This printing station automatically adjusts to the thickness of the package when addressing. Only 100% complete and properly packaged packages are offered for delivery to Canada Post.

About Buhrs

Buhrs celebrates its 116th anniversary this year. What once started in Zaandam as a workshop where ships were repaired and as a forge for the neighbourhood, has grown into an international organization, specialized in the development and production of packaging solutions. Buhrs' head office and production company are still located in Zaandam. In addition, Buhrs is also located in Japan.


Herco Koeling  |  T +31 6 46 71 34 66  |  Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken.