A Buhrs 5000 Paper Wrapper packaging system has been installed at Broadridge Financial Solutions in Edgewood, New York U.S.A. Broadridge is a global Fintech company that stimulates business transformation in the field of offering technology, data and intelligent solutions for the financial services industry. As a provider for this sector, Broadridge specializes in processing confidential documents. For this purpose, they have been certified by the American regulator SEC – Securities and Exchange Commission. The Buhrs 5000 can process documents with two attachments – folded or not. The maximum processing speed is 30,000 packages per hour. In addition, the new Buhrs 5000 Paper Wrapper can also produce self-mailers from a printed roll of paper. This is a new application on the third Buhrs 5000 that Broadridge Financial Solutions has put into use, in addition to the nine Buhrs foil packaging machines that Broadridge has been using for years.
About Buhrs
Buhrs celebrates its 116th anniversary this year. What once started in Zaandam as a workshop where ships were repaired and as a forge for the neighbourhood, has grown into an international organization, specialized in the development and production of packaging solutions. Buhrs' head office and production company are still located in Zaandam. In addition, Buhrs is also located in Japan.
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